Всё о гранте GKS Университеты Университет Сонгюнгван

Университет Сонгюнгван

Университет Сонгюнгван
Университет Сонгюнгван

Университет Сонгюнгван (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) / 성균관대학교) был основан в 1398 году. У университета 2 кампуса: Сеул и Сувон.

Университет Сунгюнгван (SKKU), основанный в 1398 году, представляет собой истоки высшего образования Кореи. SKKU был основан на принципах неоконфуцианства и воплотил в себе его основные добродетели, человечность, праведность, приличие и мудрость.

При поддержке Samsung Group в качестве фонда университета SKKU стал творческим и инновационным центром высшего образования, сделав шаг к тому, чтобы стать лучшим университетом.

Основные факты

Почему Университет Сонгюнгван?

  • Благодаря более чем 600-летней академической истории и инвестициям со стороны Samsung Group, SKKU теперь признан внутри страны и за рубежом как «Первопроходец корейского высшего образования», «самый быстро развивающийся университет».
  • Стремясь к успеху студентов, SKKU реализует специализированную учебную программу, разработанную специально для иностранных студентов на первом году обучения, чтобы помочь им переехать и адаптироваться к университетской жизни в Корее.
  • Академическая поддержка факультативных курсов и программ корейского языка, а также различные культурные мероприятия предлагаются всем иностранным студентам. Студенты также получают большую выгоду от наших многочисленных программ обмена с известными школами-партнерами в разных странах.

Стипендии SKKU для стипендиатов GKS

  • Поддержка общежития: 200,000 вон в месяц студентам GKS, проживающим в общежитиях SKKU.
  • Стипендия на основе заслуг: 500,000 вон в семестр для лучших 10% студентов GKS, получивших высокий средний балл в предыдущем семестре.

Университет Сонгюнгван

Факультеты и специальности

No.КампусЧерез посольствоЧерез университетОтделениеОтделениеОтделениеФакультетФакультетЯзык обученияМин.уровень ТОПИКа для поступленияНачало обученияСайт факультетаКонтактный номерПометки
1Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA유학동양학과Confucian and Oriental StudiesКонфуцианство и востоковедение인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://scos.skku.edu/scos/course/Oriental.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
2Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA국어국문학과Korean Language & LiteratureКорейский язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/korean/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
3Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA영어영문학과English Language & LiteratureАнглийский язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/english/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
4Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA프랑스어문학과French Language & LiteratureФранцузский язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/french/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
5Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA중어중문학과Chinese Language & LiteratureКитайский язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/chinese/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
6Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA독어독문학과German Language & LiteratureНемецкий язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/german/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
7Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA러시아어문학과Russian Language & LiteratureРусский язык и литература인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://russian.skku.edu/russian/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
8Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA한문학과Chinese CharacterКитайский символ인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/klcc/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
9Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA사학과HistoryИстория인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://history.skku.edu/history/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
10Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA철학과PhilosophyФилософия인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/philosophy/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
11Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA문헌정보학과Library & Information ScienceБиблиотека и информатика인문HumanitiesKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://lis.skku.edu/lis/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Humanities
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
12Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA행정학과Public AdministrationГосударственное управление사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://gsg.skku.edu/gsg/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
13Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA정치외교학과Political DiplomacyПолитическая дипломатия사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/psd/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
14Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA미디어커뮤니케이션학과Media & CommunicationСМИ и коммуникации사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://mediacomm.skku.edu/mediacomm/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
15Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA사회학과SociologyСоциология사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://skkusociology.com/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
16Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA사회복지학과Social WelfareСоциальное обеспечение사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/welfare/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
17Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA심리학과PsychologyПсихология사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://psych.skku.edu/psy/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
18Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA소비자학과Consumer ScienceПотребительская наука사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://cf.skku.edu/skkucf/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
19Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA아동청소년학과Child Psychology and EducationДетская психология и образование사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://child.skku.edu/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
20Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA경제학과EconomicsЭкономика사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://ecostat.skku.edu/ecostat/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
21Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA통계학과StatisticsСтатистика사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://stat.skku.edu/stat/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Social Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
22Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA경영학과Business AdministrationМенеджмент / Бизнес-администрирование사회Social ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/bus/index.do+82-2-760-1000
23Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA영상학과Visual Media & ArtВизуальные медиа и искусство예체능Entertainment & SportsKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://art.skku.edu/art/index.do+82-2-760-1000
24Humanities&Social Sciences/SeoulA의상학과DressmakingПошив одежды자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://art.skku.edu/art/index.do+82-2-760-1000
25Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA생명과학과Life ScienceНаука о жизни자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://bio.skku.edu/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
26Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA수학과MathematicsМатематика자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://math.skku.edu/math/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
27Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA물리학과PhysicsФизика자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/physics/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
28Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA화학과ChemistryХимия자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://chem.skku.edu/chem/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
29Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA식품생명공학과Food Life EngineeringПищевая и жизненная инженерия공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/foodlife/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
30Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA바이오메카트로닉스학과Biomechatronic EngineeringБиомехатронная инженерия공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/biomecha/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
31Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA융합생명공학과Integrative BiotechnologyИнтегративная биотехнология자연Natural ScienceKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://skb.skku.edu/gene/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Natural Sciences
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
32Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA화학공학/고분자공학부Chemical EngineeringХимическая инженерия공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://cheme.skku.edu/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
33Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA신소재공학부New Materials EngineeringНовые материалы공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://amse.skku.edu/AMSE/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
34Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA기계공학부Mechanical EngineeringМашиностроение공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://mech.skku.edu/frontpage.asp?catalogid=skkume&language=ko+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
35Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA건설환경공학부Environmental Construction EngineeringЭкологическое строительство공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://cal.skku.edu/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
36Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA나노공학과NanotechnologyНанотехнологии공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttp://nano.skku.edu/+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
37Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA시스템경영공학과Systems Management EngineeringСистемное управление инженерией공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://sme.skku.edu/iesys/index.do+82-2-760-1000Affiliated College- Engineering
(Student apply for specific major at the end of the freshmen year, based on the one's interest and academic achievement)
38Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA전자전기공학부Electronic & Electrical EngineeringЭлектронная и электротехника공학EngineeringKorean 100%TOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://ice.skku.edu/ice/course/undergraduate/eee_intro.do+82-2-760-1000
39Natural Sciences/Gyeonggi, SuwonA소프트웨어학과Computer Science & EngineeringКомпьютерные науки и инженерия공학EngineeringKorean/EnglishTOPIK 4 or aboveMarch or Septemberhttps://cs.skku.edu/ko/+82-2-760-1000

Контактные данные

Отдел: Admission Department
Ответственное лицо: Hojun Cho
Номер телефона: +82-2-760-1357
Факс: +82-2-760-1350
E-mail: fore@skku.edu
Индекс: 03063
Почтовый адрес: Admissions Office,
600th Anniversary Hall, 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-ro,
Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea (03063)
Сайт: skku.edu

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